August 08, 2018 1 Comment
Our friends at Motigo know that running workouts and training plans can have their ups and downs. Together, we want to inspire, motivate and entertain you on the many miles you’ll put in to get to your starting line or achieve your personal goals. Black Girls RUN! has collaborated with Motigo on an exclusive audio training experience for a half marathon training and 5K training.
We’ve tapped into our community of BGR! Ambassadors from South Florida to Jersey to Seattle who’ve been in your shoes to record audio messages that can lift you up along your training journey.
Get our training experience on Motigo and hear periodic in-run audio tips and workout guidance, inspiring soundbites,, and entertaining messages to keep you going - and use it alongside the music and run tracking apps you already love!
Happy Training!
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August 24, 2018
the cost is $19.99????