September 09, 2015 1 Comment
Over the past few weeks, several people have asked, "What's the big deal with the '21-Day Clean Eating Challenge'? What's the hook?"
And every time, my reply has been the same...."Nothing! That's the beauty!"
First and foremost, the "21-Day Clean Eating Challenge" isn't some scam or weight loss quick fix. It isn't magic. And it's not a pyramid scheme. Could you start clean eating on your own? Of course! Do you NEED this course in your life? That's for you to answer.
I've been a fan of Danielle Omar ever since I met her. Her approach is straightforward and simple. She makes you ask, "What would happen to my body and how would I feel if you cut out processed foods and other things that may unknowingly be negatively affecting my body?"
[READ: All About Flora: How Important Gut Health Really Is]
It's seldom that we, as stressed out and time crunched human beings, ever take the time to truly evaluate what we're stuffing in our mouths between meetings, on our way to soccer practice or, dare I say, after a good workout. Don't feel bad. We ALL do it, and old habits are hard to break! But, it's my hope, that our "21-Day Clean Eating Challenge" will make you *pause*, take inventory and get HONEST about your eating habits and how they may be impacting you physically and emotionally.
This isn't some gimmick, and yeah, you could pay $0 to go through a clean eating course, but I believe Danielle and her Nourish program are something special. If it wasn't, I wouldn't recommend it.
If you would like to learn more about Danielle Omar and the "21-Day Clean Eating Challenge" check out the video below or head over to the blog to read some FAQs about the program. You can also check out what others had to say about the program.
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Charmaine Blue
October 11, 2015
Hi BGR Toni,
I’ve been a member of BGR for about 2 years now but only followed the Orlando group until today. I really want to do the BGR U course now and don’t want to have to wait until 2016. Can I please join now or one starting in November? I wish there were a way for you & Ashley to automatically post on all the group site bc I would definitely have done this last month when I did a 30-day fast. My phone #914-563-2260. Thank you both for how you’ve helped me regain my life. I absolutely LOVE BGR!!!