June 17, 2015 7 Comments
Our ambassadors are the heartbeat of the organization and some of the fiercest ladies I know! As we prepare for our first BGR! U course with registered dietitian Danielle Omar and I started thinking about foods I needed a clean break from. The list wasn't hard to come up with and I realized I have a lot of work to do! This week, I asked our ambassadors:
Needless to say their feedback made me feel better! I wasn't the only one that had food issues! LOL After reading through their comments, I want to hear what foods YOU need a clean break from! Need some help? Sign up for our BGR! U "21-Day Clean Eating Challenge" that will cleanse your body of processed foods, sugar, gluten, dairy and other foods that keep you from feeling your best. Learn more by clicking here.
"Sugar is my last demon and the one I'm battling the hardest. I like kids candy, offer me Smarties or some Red Hots and I'll hop right in the van *LOL* - Iris Owens, Black Girls RUN! Los Angeles
"The chip! Potato chips, corn chips, the dorito chips, veggie chips, and chips of beef (oh sorry). You get it. My office gives us free chips and sodas. So, I feel like the chips are a part of my benefits package. It adds $5.00 a day to my income. #dontjudgeme" - Tanya Friends, Black Girls RUN! Milwaukee
"There isn't anything that I want an absolute break from. I believe moderation is the key. But the thing I struggle with having moderation with is once I have something sweet I want more and more
And more. I kicked the too much cheese habit about a year ago and it was so gradual that when it hit me I said to myself, "you actually did it" - Rebecca Andrews, Black Girls RUN! Los Angeles
"Nuts are good, but not when I can eat 1 pound of unsalted pistachios in a day. I pay about $10 for a bag and in 1-1/2 days it's finished. I then go buy another bag. When I travel, I take enough to last me for my trip because I cannot always find unsalted pistachios. I eat them any time of the day. I also still eat my regular meals. I need intervention." - Phyllis Johnson, Black Girls RUN! Tampa
"Wings and rice . I eat about 8 to 10 unbreaded wings when I should eat only 6 and I love rice." - Trinnett King, Black Girls RUN! Jacksonville
June 18, 2015
Kettle chips – kettle chips – kettle chips! There are addictive. At first I justified it because I was replenishing the salt I lost during my long runs (good one, huh?) But after emptying a family size bag in 2 days, I finally admitted, its a food vice that has to go!!
June 18, 2015
I love and have a soft spot for Pepsi! Diet, cherry lime real sugar! Love them all. I went on a fast from it around Easter and did really good. Skin cleared up some and lost a few pounds, but it is a weakness. Gotta shake it off!!!
June 17, 2015
Mine is sour cream and onion potato chips Lays. Also our DC Manager keeps jars of candy on her desk (now and laters, almond joys ) you name it she has it. I try bringing healthy snacks, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.
June 17, 2015
Loved this article!! Shout out to Rebecca and Iris!! I’m 17 days into a no champagne diet. Reduced my amount of cheese by 90%. I would live to hear how you deal with partners who aren’t digging clean eating. Oh my partner has brought me do many “treats” it’s not funny. Lol. Looking forward to the clean challenge.
June 17, 2015
I so wish there was ONE identifiable food that I have a problem with. I’m struggling these days with sugar in the form of powdered donuts and reeces peanut butter cups…alas, next week it could be something else.
June 17, 2015
I can eat clean on weekdays bc I pack my lunch and try to eat what I bring. My stuggle is weekend going out to eat and not making Ihealthy choices. My lunch is at 12:00noon get off work at 5:00pm meet run group at 6:30pm and get home at 8:00pm and I’m hungry try a smooth but not full.
My weakness Is snacks cheetos, potato chips,
cheez-it and bread pudding. Lisa Hickman
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June 19, 2015
Dr. Pepper is the devil…going cold turkey again, Buh-Bye!!!