By: Kelly Spann, BGR! Montgomery Member
My name is Kelli Spann, starting weight 304lbs size 24/26 current weight 194 size 12/10,height 5'10 ,age 32. I started my weight loss journey in 2012. I went to the doctor and was embarrassed at my weight and wanted to make a change. My family history includes: hypertension ,diabetes, kidney failure and heart disease. I started working out while my mother was battling congestive heart failure which she fought a tough battle and passed away in April 2013. I joined a local hip hop aerobics class and attended class three days a week. I started to notice the scale moving in my favor!!! I cut out the sugary drinks and fried,fatty salty foods, I even cut out pork. I then joined a military style boot camp which made me more discipline. I only drink water nothing added just plain water or unsweetened tea. I still eat the foods I enjoy such as pizza and sweets but moderation is the key. I didn't give into the weight loss gimmicks such as diet pills. Since becoming active I enjoy being outside more instead of sitting on the couch watching TV. About one year ago, I joined the Montgomery,Al chapter of Black Girls Run, I run/walk/wog with those ladies on the weekends in addition I still do hip hop aerobics three times a week and I go to the gym occasionally. Exercising has helped to relieve so much stress.During my weight loss journey my self esteem has increased tremendously. I enjoy going shopping for clothes which I have better options they're more stylish. I never liked looking in the mirror in the past but now that's no problem I sometimes have to do a double take at myself. When I started this weight loss journey I knew the reason why I wanted to lose weight and it was because I wanted to and not someone else wanted me to. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, it's a lifestyle change for the better. When you know better you do better. Prayer and exercising has helped me to become and better person .