Today is my birthday. The big 3-0. Much more monumental than 20 and much more exciting than 40. For years I've heard this is where it all changes. You become more financially secure, you settle down, you're well on your way to having your dream career, you're in perfect health, you are more secure with yourself, life seems to mellow out. You leave your foolish 20s behind to embark on your REAL adult journey.
But my 30s are hardly the relief that I thought it'd be. And it's got me thinking of some pretty crazy things. Like...
..........are my eggs still good much damage to my body did I actually do in my 20s
...........will I get more sleep in my 30s will my body improve in my 30s will probably take me five times as long to recover from any party shenanigans
...........will my body start rejecting itself (every inch of me starts to spread)
Yeah, I know. Pretty superficial and vain stuff to think about. But, hey, it's my reality.
On the other hand, I do see the silver-lining. Most 30 year-olds are having a ball. Most are in the best shape of their lives. Most are wiser and smarter. All in all, most say their 30s have been the best so far (just short of those who say 40 is awesome because your sex life becomes AMAZING!) And I guess they have a point, right? It can only get better from here!
In honor of my birthday, we're giving away some awesome winter accessories from Brooks! Including.....
Adapt Glove II
When a run takes a turn for the cold and misty, the easily stowed water-resistant windshield in this glove helps you adjust. Plus, ample reflectivity and a detachable LED light give piece of mind when light is low.
Adapt Hat
This cute hat offers more than its looks. Bringing water and wind-resistance, the Adapt Hat can handle the elements.
Seamless Arm Warmers
Stay comfortable with easy-to-pack and easy-to-carry essentials. Seamless Arm Warmers add extra warmth without chafing.
What has been the BEST and WORST thing about turning 30? Share below in the comments section and we'll choose one lucky U.S. winner to receive these three super cool items from Brook! Contest ends on 12/18/13 at 11:59PM EST. Winner will be notified via email and in the comments section. Colors not guaranteed.
Good luck!