If you've been with us from the very beginning, you understand why issues regarding diversity in running are so important to us. I still remember going to running groups and not feeling welcomed or going to races and being the only brown face.
So anytime we get an opportunity to speak on the subject we take advantage of it. This week we had the pleasure of sitting on a panel at The Running Event led by REI. Many of the attendees were small retailers and speciality running stores who wanted to understand how to get a more diverse customer base (whether it be race, gender or sexual orientation).
Now, this may not sound like rocket science to most of us, but navigating the changing landscape of the United States can be tricky. It also seems like companies (big and small) should make diversity an important initiative , but that's not always the case.
That's why we love working with companies like REI. Not only have they supported us from the very beginning, but they truly help us spread the BGR! love in the running and outdoor industry.
While there has defiitely been a increase of minorities in running and BGR! has gottn lots of attention, we still find ourselves trying to convince the powers that be that the BGR! nation and black women are a force to be reckoned with! So, today we salute you REI for all that you do for all of us who are underrespresented on the pavement!