Nervous about running your first 5K? We're giving the BGR! Nation an opportunity to get off the couch and on the pavement together!! Black Girls RUN! is hosting its first ever virtual WALKB4URUN! 5K! Our WALKB4URUN! is a training program developed by Black Girls RUN! to take you from walking to running your first 5K. Similar, to the Couch to 5K program, this training program gradual progresses and is perfect for people who have never run a 5K before. You can complete on your own, with a local BGR! group, on the treadmill, with friends, just as long as you get it done! Everyone is welcome to participate, we just want to see you up and moving!
How Does It Work?
1) Register online for WalkB4URUN! Virtual 5K (Ask your friends and family to register too!)
2) Train! Do not forget to download the Black Girls RUN! WalkB4URUN! 5K Training Plan.You can download it here.
3) Plan your run! Choose a location, and do not forget to map it before hand to complete the full 3.1 miles.
4) Connect with your local Black Girls RUN! group! Many of our groups are leading WALKB4URUN! training sessions. Feel free to connect with them to get some on the ground support! You can join Black Girls RUN! and/or find a group in your city by visiting
5) Download and print your virtual bib! Hit the pavement alone or with your BGR! crew on Saturday. December 21. It does not matter your pace, location, or time you run. Just get it in on December 21! Tweet @blackgirlsrun or Instagram @officialblackgirlsrun your virtual run photos.
6.) Upload your race time to our WB4YR virtual race roster! You can access the form here.
And, Congratulations! You did it! You will receive your race bling no later than January 10.
For more information, visit :