Black Girls RUN! Goes to the Essence Festival (UNCUT)
July 30, 2013
So, it's been just over a month since we headed to New Orleans in our rented U-haul cargo van to attend the Essence Festival. We were festival virgins, but excited about the opportunity to partner with Coca-Cola and USA Track and Field to host run/walks during the course of the week's events. I'm geeked, pumpep and excited and looking forward to a great time! And we weren't disappointed.
We had the opportunity to meet many of our BGR! members AND introduce the group to women who had never heard of us. We also had a chance to sneak in a little bit of fun! With everything going on, we tried to capture what it was like preparing to go to the Essence Festival and all of the planning and work involved. Granted when we finally hit the ground in Nola, we had little time to record videos, but the videos below give you a bit of an idea of all the work, time and excitement that goes into one of our events. Enjoy!