DIVAS San Francisco and Myrtle Beach are both National BGR! races in 2013. For the DIVAS Myrtle Beach (April 28, 2013) and DIVAS San Francisco (May 5, 2013), use the following discount codes when you register. There are specific codes if you live in certain areas. Both events will be sell out events, so please register today to join the BGR! Nation! Once the race sells out, the code will NOT guarantee you entry. The discount is for 5% off the HALF MARATHON registration fee ONLY!DIVAS Myrtle Beach
BGRNMBSC (South Carolina)BGRNMBTN (Tennessee)BGRNMBFL (Florida)BGRNMBNC (North Carolina)BGRNMBGA (Georgia)BGRNMBVA (Virginia) BGRNMBUSA (All Other States)DIVAS San FranciscoBGRSFCA (California)BGRSFCO (Colorado)BGRSFAZ (Arizona)BGRSFTX (Texas)BGRSFUSA (All Other States)