Happy New Year BGR! Nation! 2013 is proving to be an awesome year for us so far, and we are proud to announce that we will be launching a new website very soon! We are slowly moving away from having all of our information/groups on Facebook, in hopes for all 50,000+ members to live on our new site. From better accessibility, functionality, and overall look and feel, our new website will be an awesome reflection of the direction that Black Girls RUN! is headed. To prepare for the transition to the new website, there are some things we need for you to do, to make sure everyone migrates successfully.
If you login through the current site through your Facebook account, please complete the following steps to access your user name to log into www.blackgirlsrun.com. You can take those steps NOW before the new website launches later this week.
Highlights of the site:
Photo Carousel of Running Groups
Access to Gear site with one click of a button
Access to register or login to the running group with one click
A map of all running groups
Informative blog post on training, fitness, health, nutrition, hair, and beauty
Events can be downloaded to iCalendar
Access to sign up for an event easier
Events group discussion
Status updates like Facebook
Communicate with other members with ease
We are so excited about our new website, and once it launches we hope you fall in love with our new look as well. We hope that with the new site our members will be able to connect across the world, and we see more new faces on the pavement!