By: Marshelle
While we all know the importance of fitness and nutrition in our health and well-being and we joined BGR with expection and excitement, statistically, 40% of people who begin a fitness program quit within the first four months. Thankfully, this time, I'm not one of them. As of July 7th, I completed my first year of fitness! In July 2011, weighing 223 lbs, my Dr. warned me to take control of my health to avoid having to use medications to control it. Her words of warning shook me past all my excuses and pushed me into a lower carb diet and a cardio program consisting of walking 20 mins a day, 3 times a week. With small increases every month, I began to lose weight as a walker.
Then I joined Black Girls Run! But I didn't just join, I gave it all I've got!! I began posting my workouts, nutrition battles, photos and creating challenges to stay
focused and accountable. The BGR-South Florida group does what we call "get out of your comfort zone." We try different activities as a group that could be intimidating alone. We've done Bikram Yoga, Critical Mass Miami (13 mile bike ride), Aqua aerobics, Reggaerobixx, African dance class, and others. As a result, many of us continue those new cardio workouts as a part of our lifestyle change. And as for me, I've lost 68 lbs and completed 6-5Ks and my first half marathon!
So give it all you've got!! Go to at least one group event a week so you can develop a sense of community with BGR! When your schedule does not allow you to meet regularly, visit the team page to encourage others, post your workouts, and be a part of the fitness and nutrition discussions. Commit to the whole experience or you will lose one of the greatest benefits of BGR, the unity of family. I am a member of several families, some lifelong; Martins (biological) Morelands (marital) USPS-Postal and APWU-Union, FAMU (RATTLER Nation) and the BGR family! BGR-SoFL, BGR-NY,and soon, BGR-ATL in Sept where we will give it all we've got!!!
PS. Are you in?