By: Ashley Hill Mental distractions can be the most deterring factor with a beginner runner. Small enemies attack me in the form of overwhelming questions. Questions such as "Are My Shoelaces Tied?" "Does My t-shirt match my shorts?", "Are My Headphones Going to Fall Out?" are those enemies that try to kill my amped attitude about running on a daily basis.
I just began a committed relationship with running 3 months ago. Getting my health under control was the major factor into making the decision to become a more avid runner. Initial thoughts led me to believe that I would begin running, two weeks later I would have the body that I wanted and all worries would cease. Little did I know, the strongest barriers that I would face would be those things that only I had full control of within my mind. Hitting the pavement or churning up the speed on the treadmill is the easy component, it is my personal sabotage of thoughts that weaken me. Finding out that I am not alone in the world of "beginner runners" gives me that extra boost on a daily basis, I just hope that I am not alone in the world of "distracting thoughts". There goes another distracting question: "am I the only one struggling with trying this running lifestyle?" I really need help with this issue!
May was my first month of membership in BGR! and I must admit, being part of a group that supports the personal endeavors that I seek out helps tremendously. The "should I have brought my own water bottle?" and other random thoughts still arise, but I now know that I have I do not stand alone in this fight. No more will I hit the starting line of a 5k run, or walk into the gym only to have a mental struggle. I will fight the clock, ignore the humidity, double knot my shoelaces and simply RUN!
Though my starting line has been cluttered with unnecessary rigor of random questions, I am certain that my trek is much more promising. As for the finish line, one does not exist. Running is now my life partner, this committed relationship will not stop.
Tying shoelaces tightly at the starting line. Until next time...
Ashley Hill has been running for about three months, and is a "newbie" runner with BGR! Columbia, SC. She wants to run her first 5k in the next year, and increase her daily running mileage to 4 or more miles.