Who has the most dynamic Black Girls RUN! group? Who has the most awesome city? What city has the most BGR! spirit? Is it New York, Hampton Roads, San Diego, Phoenix...who?
Well, now is your BGR! group's time to really show off! Start to spread the word to running mates, group members, family, and friends to get signed up with Black Girls RUN!, and registered for the Black Girls RUN!/Drive to End Hunger 5K/10K, September 14-16, 2012 in Atlanta, GA.
When the person registers, make sure they enter in the BGR! city they are representing. If you have already signed up, but did not include a team name, please email drivetoendhunger@blackgirlsrun.com and we will manually add them to make sure your city receives credit. If you are not with a team, you should just fill in the blank with 'none'. The contest runs until Friday, August 3.
The BGR! group with the most Drive to End Hunger race participants will have the opportunity to have their BGR! City's name custom made and will be available for purchase in the BGR! online store this coming Fall! So, BGR! Long Island, Birmingham, Hawaii, whomever!, it is time to BRING IT ON, and REP YOUR CITY! Go register for the Drive to End Hunger 5k/10K!
Sorry BGR! Atlanta, you do not qualify for this contest. You already have a shirt! :-)
Preserve the Sexy,
Toni & Ashley