Are you ready to join the movement? Black Girls RUN! will be launching their new website TOMORROW (May 23rd). You will be able to create your own BGR! profile, join a local group, and keep track of groups runs and events going on in your area. The new website will house all of the running groups, help organize events, and it will be easier for new members to join, and make it easier for groups to communicate! We will slowly be moving away from our Facebook group pages, and have everything you need on our new site. You will be able to login using your personal Facebook page, or create a profile if you do not have Facebook. We want everyone to be connected and join the BGR! movement! The site will also have a mobile feature, so you can keep in touch with BGR! on the go. Spread the word to your family and friends that BGR! is getting REVAMPED tomorrow, and you do not want to miss the excitement!
Be sure to still "Like" our main Black Girls RUN! page on Facebook!