Are you ready to party? Well, join Black Girls RUN! and Mizuno for their first tweetchat party! Are you looking for the perfect running shoe? Do you overpronate? Do you need extra support? Are you a trail runner?
Well, here is your chance to talk one-on-one with a shoe expert from Mizuno. On Thursday, May 24 at 8 pm EST/ 7 pm CST, Black Girls RUN! and Mizuno will host a Tweetchat party on Twitter to answer all of your running shoe questions and concerns. All you have to do is join us on Twitter (@BlackGirlsRUN,@MizunoRunning) and ask questions with the hashtag, #BGRMizuno at the end of your question. It’s time to party! If you have a specific issue or question you need answered, please email all of your questions by Wednesday, May 23 to Black Girls RUN!