We're Looking for CREATIVE and ENTREPRENEURIAL Interns
December 28, 2011
If you are smart, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial minded and looking to build your resume, this is a fantastic opportunity for you.
Black Girls RUN! is an up-and-coming national running club and apparel company aimed at inspiring and encouraging African-American women to get healthy and active. We have offices in New York and Virginia Beach, Va., but positions can be done remotely.
We are looking to fill several positions:
Marketing & Public Relations Intern:
- Research for new marketing opportunities
- Develop public relations, marketing and social media campaigns
- Research online advertising/SEO opportunities
- Develop press releases
- Pitching media
- Researching media opportunities
- Develop marketing collateral
Blog Editor:
- Responsible for keeping blog and website updated
- Develop and maintain editorial calendar for blog
- Proof and edit blog content
- Solicit blog content from guest bloggers/contributors
Business Intern:
- MBA or fashion merchandising focus
- Experience in e-commerce
- Work directly with the co-founders in developing advertising, marketing, brand development and apparel distribution
- Send in daily orders to fulfillment company
- Answer emails
Member Relations Intern:
- Assist BGR! lead ambassadors in coordinating and organizing running groups
- Answer questions from BGR! ambassadors and members
Although these are non-paid internships, it could lead to a full-time position with the organization.
For more information, please send resume to info@blackgirlsrun.com. Please include the position you are applying for in the subject line. For more information about Black Girls RUN! visit www.BlackGirlsRUN.com.