Sounds of the Pavement: BGR! Debuts Running Mix by DeeJay007
October 19, 2011
We met Jeff Widgeon, aka: DeeJay007, randomly this summer in Philly. Little did we know that a few months later we'd be collaborating on our second running mix with the music maverick. So you want to know more about the man behind the mix? We sat down with him to talk music, influences and why he wanted to work with us.
BGR: How long have you been DJ’ing? How’d you get started?
DeeJay007: I have been DJ’ing for about 15 years. I have always been a very huge music fan. I liked it a lot when the “mix shows” would come on the
radio because there would be no breaks in between the songs. My love for music and being fascinated with the movie JUICE kinda got me interested in being a DJ.
BGR: Why the name “DeeJay007”?
DeeJay007: I am a big James Bond Fan. So that’s where the 007 came from. I started out as DJ 007 but when I realized that I was going to branch out of my local neighborhood and there were other DJ 007’s I needed to change it up a little. So I changed it to DEEJAY 007.
BGR: What DJ’s/artists are your inspiration?
DeeJay007: On a national level the DJs that inspire me are Kid Capri, DJ Quicksilva, DJ Irie, DJ S&S, DJ Ran from Philly.
BGR: Your signature phrase is, “I LOVE MY JOB”. Why?
DeeJay007: I have had all kinds of jobs in my life. I have been a telephone operator, worked in warehouses, retail stores, and landscaping. I
get paid to play music and make people around me have GREAT time, I LOVE THAT. Traveling, managing my career, paperwork, negotiations, etc. is tiring but it’s all so that I can play music for tons of people. When I scream I LOVE MY JOB, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. DJ’ing is my passion, how I express myself and how I provide for my family.
BGR: What was your inspiration for the Black Girls RUN! mix?
DeeJay007: I wanted to create something high energy that had GREAT songs on it. I just thought of songs that I would like to hear if I needed to run.
BGR: What made you want to collaborate with Black Girls RUN?
DeeJay007: I met them at a event I was doing at Villanova Unoversity. (Shout out to the Uniquely You Summit and their CEO Shaleah Lache’. I thought
that their message was GREAT. I really liked how they branded themselves. I thought running and music could go together nicely so I submitted a proposal to BGR.
BGR: How would you describe your style on the wheels of steel?DeeJay007: Very interactive and Lots of Energy
BGR: What was the best part of working with Black Girls RUN?
DeeJay007: Being able to look at a project go from being talk about lightly to being completed and made available to the public.
BGR: What do you hope to achieve with this mix?
DeeJay007: I hope that people LOVE it, run faster and become advocates for exercise.
BGR: After working with Black Girls RUN, are you ready to run a marathon?
DeeJay007: No but I’m working on it. Day by day.