Everyone has a story. For some it’s a story of wanting something more, for others it’s a story full of tears, heart and determination. Our series “Sole Stories” will give you a glimpse into what drives women to change their lives and their “soles.” We first met Tes Sobomehin when she volunteered to become one of the many ambassadors for Black Girls RUN! Atlanta. Little did we know, we had enlisted a force to be reckoned with. Driven, passionate and energetic are just a few words to describe her, but that doesn't give her justice. Read on to learn more about one of the powerhouses behind Black Girls RUN! Atlanta.
BGR!: How did you start running?
TS: I have always been active however mostly with playing sports, working out at the gym, and outdoor activities. Therefore I would "run" in the midst of those activities for like a mile or maybe 2. My running journey began when a friend of mine encouraged me to sign up for a 10K in March 2011. I had never run that distance in my entire life, but I accepted the challenge with a slight bit of skepticism. So, the four weeks prior to the 10K, I started going out for runs 2-3 times a week with the goal of trying to increase my time of continuous running. By race day I still had not completed a full 6 miles so I made it my goal to run at least four and if I had to walk some I would be okay with that. Long story short, I ran the whole time, completed my first 10K in 59:58, and I have been running consistently ever since.
BGR!: Why did you choose running as your weapon of choice?
TS: I love the personal challenge that running presents. As a former athlete I have that inner competitive drive and running is a great way to fuel that spirit. Of course it is a great way to maintain a healthy body composition and its FREE!!!
BGR!: You’re also a personal trainer and fitness instructor. What’s your secret to staying motivated?
TS: I know first-hand the value of health and fitness. I am constantly inspired by my clients and my BGR! peers who start from ground zero. I always think to myself if they can do it, I surely can do it and I have to be an example.
BGR!: Your running wardrobe signature is your Nike headband or visor. How did that come about?
TS: Ha ha!! I wore the visor for my first race so it’s a tad bit of a superstition to wear it for every run. The headband is definitely to keep my head and ears warm over those cold days. I think if I don’t wear the visor people might not recognize me at this point. LOL. I also like how the visor keeps the sun out of my face.
BGR!: You’re one of the many ambassadors in Atlanta. With more than 2,300 members, you all are kicking butt and taking names. How has leading this group affected you?
TS: I absolutely LOVE the women of BGR-Atlanta. I have grown very close to not only my fellow ambassadors and group run leaders, but many of our members who are very active in the group. We have a true sisterhood, we hold each other accountable, we praise and celebrate each other, and we support each other on and off the pavement. I am blessed to have to opportunity to lead BGR-ATL.
BGR!: You’re known as one of the hypest members in Black Girls RUN! Atlanta. Where does all that energy come from?
TS: It comes from seeing the faces of my sisters, hearing testimonials, and I feel I must live up to the expectation that everyone has for me. I mean wouldn’t you be hype if you had 2,300 crazy/sexy/cool running buddies???
BGR!: What’s on your running playlist?
TS: Lots of Lil Wayne, Rhianna, Beyonce, Watch the Throne Album, and several other random songs that have a steady beat that I can sing and dance to while Im running.
BGR!: What’s on your race “to-do” list for 2012?
TS: Well, by 2012, Lord willing, I will have completed my first Half Marathon (Thanksgiving Day). I would like to do a few destination races. It would be awesome to do some road trips and visit some of the other BGR! groups and run with them. I want to continue to be a service to the contemporary running community in a large capacity. Also, I would like to assist or put on a race of my own in Atlanta.
BGR!: You mentioned that your main motivations for being a part of Black Girls RUN! are being social, challenged and to serve the movement. How has BGR! challenged you?
TS: Wow...this is a tough question to answer in a short paragraph. I will just say that BGR! has changed my life! I love our group, I love what running has done for my physical and mental health and I love seeing what our group has done for mass volumes of women in such a positive way. So my challenge is to keep moving in a positive direction and serving the needs of the group effectively and professionally.
BGR!: What's your proudest running moment?
TS: I believe the best is yet to come, but to date I have two! The first time I did a long run with our Diva's in the Dark Sunday morning crew. There was this moment that was so surreal and I got a bit emotional while running with these awesome women. That crew has pushed me to limits I never thought imaginable.
The second would be when I competed, PR’ed (personal record), and placed in the Atlanta's Finest 5K. That was my first time placing and I give all the credit to my BGR! experience for helping me to achieve such an amazing feat!