In case you missed it...BGR! Greensboro in the News! & New BGR! Running Groups
August 13, 2011
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It's been a stressful and crazy week. As you probably know by now, Black Girls RUN! is just one of many things that we do. And quite frankly, despite the growth of the running groups, we're still trying to figure out ways to continue to spread the movement so that we can give it more time and REALLY make a difference in communities across the country. We get discouraged, wonder how wer're going to carry our vision further and try to keep in mind that what we've created isn't in vain.
And then it happens. Our hard work and vision is validated and we suddenly catch our second wind. This week, that "second wind" was an article published by the Greensboro News & Record featuring the ladies in our Black Girls RUN! Greensboro running group, as well as Black Girls RUN! HQ.
But that wasn't the end. Our friends at Huffington Post also picked up the reporters story. Needless to say, it totally made our week and rocked our world.
In other news, we also added several new Black Girls RUN! running groups to the family. To see if a group has been added to your city, go to our running groups page for a full list.
If you haven't done so already, be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know. You can sign up for the newsletter on the main page of our site. There's lots happening with us and we don't want you to miss out.