The Last Mile Was a Killer: A Recap of the Publix GA Half
March 25, 2011
I don’t remember exactly how many hills were sprinkled throughout the course at the GA half this past weekend; all I remember was the last one. A mile before approaching the hill, I looked at my Garmin and marveled at my pace – “Wow you are going to run a 2:10, Ash,” I thought to myself. And with that boost of confidence, I kicked it into to high gear and started weaving around the other racers with a smile on my face.
Then I saw it…off in the distance was the last hill. It wasn’t really a hill, but a long, steady incline that seemed to stretch for at least a half of a mile. Looking back, I realize that I should have walked most of the hill to preserve my energy. Instead I charged toward it at full force like a bull towards a matador in the ring. There was even a little voice in my head chanting, “Go, go, go!” And I lost. I hit my wall half way through the hill and barely had the energy to run across the finish line. I missed my sub- 2:15 goal by a few seconds, but ended up setting a PR with an official time of 2:15:31.
Aside from setting a personal best, the half was a mega success for me because I got to meet so many of you guys, my fellow BGRs! As a soccer player, I am used to participating in a sport where there are very few faces of color, and as you know, running is no exception. It was such a warm and amazing feeling to bond with you all, and I am so inspired when I see other black women running along side me. As Toni and I travel across the country to races, I really look forward to meeting more of you all, and I hope the BGR community continues to grow.
Preserve the sexy,