We often receive inquiries from women who want to take the lead in their community and start a running group. While, we only have one official BGR! running groups (New York), we want to spread the BGR! movement across the nation. We're looking for women to serve as BGR! Ambassadors to help lead other women on the path of living a healthy lifestyle.
These women would be responsible for:
Coordinating and hosting group runs
Working with Toni and Ashley in hosting workshops, special events in their local community
Be the eyes and ears of your community for Toni and Ashley
Spreading the BGR! Movement
Helping women in your community preserve the sexy
In return you would:
Help make a positive impact in your local community
Receieve exclusive news and content from Toni and Ashley
Discount on BGR! apparel and other items
Contribute to the BGR! blog
If you are interested in becoming part of the BGR! Movement, please email us at info@blackgirlsrun.com.