The Black Girls RUN! following is growing and so are we. Ashley and I are excited to introduce the newest member to the BGR! team, Stacey. She's a 35 year old who finally put her words into action and began running Fall 2009. By day she works in the non-profit sector and enjoys knitting, reading, and of course running. (p.s. She just became a "marathoner" so she's pretty hard core in our book).
You can find Stacey on our Facebook and Twitter pages (look for ^SMR). She'll also be helping us grow the movement with special events, fan/follower outreach and sponsorships.
Please welcome Stacey with a big "HELLO". You can read more about her below. As always...
Preserve the sexy,
Toni & Ashley
Name: Stacey
Running code name: I really don't have one...but everyone knows the PortaJohns are my best friends and both names go hand in hand.
Running Level: Enough to get a runner's high.
Favorite post workout food: Chocolate milk
Why you like to run: I actually don't like to run. Well the true 'act' of running itself. It's that runnner's high that keeps me coming back (and keeping off those extra unwanted pounds). The sense of accomplishment and digging deep for courage knowing that it is 100% me is why I keep returning.
Your inspiration: What continues to keep me inspired to run is knowing I am doing something good for myself physically, mentally and spiritually.
Most grueling run: Was while I was training for my first marathon during my 20 miler. It was the most painful physically and mentally. I grew very weary on the last 3 miles and had IT band issues that had me literally limping at the end. Trying to push (cry) past the pain and keep my mind focused on the task at hand was unbearable but I did get it finished but learned a lot about myself during that run and what I needed to do to make the next run better. The punch line: Always dig deep - there is more.
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